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lac insect造句

"lac insect"是什么意思  
  • The shellac erythrophyll is from the parasitism the resinous substance shellac which in places the such as india , thailand , burma , china leguminosae , on the mulberry branch plant s lac insect secretes with the thin sodium carbonate watery solution extract fine but , assumes the reddish purple color either the bright red powder or the liquid , by shellac acid a and shellac acid b , c , e and so on is composed , serves as the edible erythrophyll , when the acidity assumes the orange , is extremely stable
    紫胶红紫胶红色素是从寄生于印度、泰国、缅甸、中国等地的豆科、桑科植物上的紫胶虫所分泌的树脂状物质紫胶用稀碳酸钠水溶液萃取精致而得,呈红紫色或鲜红色粉末或液体,由紫胶酸a和紫胶酸b 、 c 、 e等组成,用作食用红色素,酸性时呈橙色,非常稳定。
  • It's difficult to see lac insect in a sentence. 用lac insect造句挺难的
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